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Introduction !!!

Hello, my name is Yunuo He.

My preferred method of remote communication is voice calls. I think voice calls can better help us express the tone and consciousness we want to express, and the other party can understand it more accurately, which is equivalent to face-to-face communication. My communication advantage is that I am good at expressing myself and I like to communicate my ideas with others. My communication weakness is that I live in an English-speaking country, but my first language is not English. I want to make my English more idiomatic. I think I’m an extrovert. Unless you’re more extroverted than me, I’m probably a bit of an introvert. I am currently on Vancouver time, and I like to work early in the morning, which helps me get the work done quickly and have more time to do my own things. When I feel depressed, I like to be alone and process my emotions on my own. What I like about group work is that someone can push me to study, and I can also learn better ideas from others! But on the contrary, I don’t like to encounter group members who do nothing in group assignments.
Finally, nice to meet you all!

1 Comment

  1. harry

    Hi Yunuo,
    It’s great to meet you! I get that you prefer voice conversations over text; voice calls do, in fact, provide a more intimate touch and are a far better means of expressing tone and intent. Your ability to articulate your thoughts clearly is a great asset in any kind of communication.
    It must be difficult to live in an English-speaking nation when English is not your first language, but it’s great that you’re trying to improve the language in your writing. Your hard work will undoubtedly be rewarded.
    Your extroverted personality is an excellent asset, particularly when working with others. It’s interesting how you achieve a healthy balance between requiring time alone to absorb emotions and being extroverted. Working early in the morning and adhering to Vancouver time seems like a highly efficient work schedule.
    Working in a group has its ups and downs, for sure. It’s great that you find inspiration and intellectual stimulation in it, but it makes sense that members of an unwilling group can be a pain.
    Looking forward to working together and learning from each other. Good to meet you as well!

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